Balineau’s participation in Project Rescue Ocean: raising awareness of environmental protection in school classes
This operation was carried out in a class of 2nd grade and made it possible to raise the 23 participating pupils’ awareness of the pollution of the oceans.
The workshop took place in two parts: first a presentation of the consequences of ocean pollution on marine biodiversity (alteration of corals, ingestion of plastic bags by turtles, microplastics,…) then a drawing workshop on the theme of environmental protection. To conclude, each student received an Ocean Rescuer diploma.
The posters were then displayed in the school yard to be seen by all the students and parents. The reception was very warm and the echoes that followed testify to the keen interest of these children in this important issue. The operation, also enriching for the animator, is to be repeated!
More information about the NGO :
Other action including : Waste collection in Gujan-Mestras